Pitch Black (2000)

Movie Review By F. Azim (Bangladesh)


Pitch Black (2000)

Movie Review

By F. Azim (Bangladesh)

A long Long time ago, in a far far away lifetime, I Came home after my job, and sat before the Television (I had one big CRT TV then). A movie started in 'Star Movie Channel'. I didn't even catch the Name then.

A damaged Spaceship destined to crash toward a nearby Planet, The Captain of the passenger-carrying Ship died instantly from the miniature meteorite before the Docking Pilot Carolyn Fry, to find no other way Fry dumped nearly about 40 Passengers instantly to gain control of the ship just securing any kind or form of safe Landing on the ground. She may have dumped all the Passengers but First Officer Owen Stops her from doing so. Ultimately the Vessel crashed on a desert-like absence of life Planet with only a Few Passengers. First Officer was severely wounded and died finally.

In the midst of my watching, I thought of just another Marooned on a Dangerous Planet movie, but after a few minutes I found; no this movie was not like any other movie -which is easy to predict what would happen next, so my watch continued.

The Survivors of (Civilian Transport) Space Ship Hunter-Gratzner

Muslim Preacher Imam with his 03 sons

Shazza & Zeke – Tourists

Paris – Rich Black Market Merchant

Jack – one mysterious teen

William J. Johns- Bounty Hunter, Law Enforcement Officer

Carolyn Fry – Docking Pilot


Richard B. Riddick – High Bounty Valued Criminal

Surrounded by the desert-like environment the passengers found this planet orbiting 3 Suns with no chance to see the night, but only perpetual sunlight. This belief of theirs failed when they found a solar plan model in an abandoned Geological Research Settlement. They found an eternal darkness is coming for them which could remain for a few years.

They strategize the only possible plan to get off this planet only to transport their crashed ship power cell to the only Dropship that is found near the Geological Research Center. They gear up their planning but they only knew.. The long Night is only a few minutes away. They found out in the Dark the real inhabitants of this planet would rise like a true evil that would tear them apart.

The Whole Movie portrays the immoral & cruel characteristics of RIDDICK (VIN DIESEL) showing there are no Good or Bad, Saints or Evil.. In the physical plane of life, there is only Survival which counts. The Character “RIDDICK” -David Twohy along with Wheat brothers created for this movie won true cult followers till now. Pitch Black may be graded as a B Lister Science Fiction Movie But the Story Arch was worshipped by thousands of dark Fiction lovers.

In most of the movie's end we find the force of good vanquishes evil and keeps the balance of the galactic existence of all beings. But in "Pitch Black" movie you will find the liberation of a Dark Spirit – under the sacrifice of a repented & tormented pure soul- Where the Cry of RIDDICK will scratch your emotion abruptly when you hear -“NOT FOR ME”. -- “NOT FOR ME”.

The Movie end many questions about the Character RIDDICK, So later I had to search for the Name of the Movie, but my luck was not bright enough, it took me a few months to learn the Movie Name(My Google Skills were not like today in 2003).

I watch movies, I love movies, I live for movies, but only a few movies make space in my heart, and “PITCH BLACK” was one of those Movies.

I am not suggesting this movie to any movie lover, because they will find only faults and failures in this movie. Only the True SyFy Crazy persons may like this movie and live the name of RIDDICK until the end.
